Produce your show in the 2025 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Registration is OPEN!
Welcome to the Bustleton High Class of 2014! Join us for an immersive 10 Year Reunion: a yacht party celebrating our highs, our lows, the fortunes we were born into and the fame we earned. Gossip, banter, old crushes, old grudges, and evergreen egos: anything could happen at sea...
An immersive anticapitalist performance in the most unlikely setting: the reunion dinner cruise of an exclusive private high school for the children of wealthy elites. In The Meal, a group of prominent alumni gleefully reopen old wounds, sometimes overlapped with flashbacks, movement sequences and song. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the working people on the yacht are sharing a very different experience. Audience members will have the opportunity to consent to interactive moments with performers (no physical contact).
A production by the Shadow Company (Yes... And! Collaborative Arts), a performing arts company made up of high school students. With an ensemble-based methodology, they work with a director and professional artists to build their skills as artists, collaborators, leaders, and citizens. Each year, Shadow Company collaboratively devises an original work of theater using a blend of techniques, including: creative co-writing, improvisation, collage-making, structured discussion, workshop performances, playlist-making, and freewheeling “try it!”-style rehearsals.
Shadow Company 2024 Contributors: Julia Aikins-Hill, Maggie Becker, Alice Bittner-Kleit, Elias Brix, Alix Chiles, Colin Davenport, Thai Devereoux, Titus Jenkins, Jennifer Keith, Andrew Luckey, Tora Mitchell, Benjamin Ramos, Kalilah Abboud Rosen, Juniper Saks, Neela Salahuddin, Ari Strauss, Ruben Witmer.
Students can use code "TheMealStudent" for $5 Student Tickets.
This is a preview performance
21 W. Washington Lane
General Admission: $12
PWYC Options
21 W. Washington Lane
General Admission: $12
21 W. Washington Lane
General Admission: $12
21 W. Washington Lane
General Admission: $12
21 W. Washington Lane
General Admission: $12
21 W. Washington Lane
General Admission: $12
A performing arts company made of high school students, Shadow Company members learn about all aspects of the theater-making process, including on and offstage roles. With an ensemble-based methodology, they work with a director, professional artists and industry leaders to build their skills as artists, collaborators, leaders, and citizens.
Contact the Fringe Festival Box Office for up to date accessibility information.
Adult Language
Audience Interaction
Please note that this performance contains mentions of substance abuse, bullying, hazing, vehicular manslaughter; implied mention (NO depiction) of inappropriate sexual conduct involving a minor; character death.
This event does not require proof of vaccination to attend or masks to be worn