Produce your show in the 2025 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Registration is OPEN!


The Philadelphia Fringe Festival, presented by FringeArts is a city-wide celebration of innovation and creativity in contemporary performance. Each September, the Festival explodes into every nook and cranny of Philadelphia with more than 1,000 artistically daring performances. Included in the festival are hundreds of independently produced performances and events, work presented by partnering Festival Hubs and producers, and a slate of programs curated by FringeArts. In the true spirit of the international “Fringe” movement, there are no limits to the ways that artists and audiences can participate in and experience the festival.

Our Values


Agents of change. Physical feats. Elephants in rooms. From what we do to how we do it, we‘re purveyors of envelope-pushing and equity rooted in…


None of this works unless we’re in it for each other, committed to convictions far bigger than ourselves. Merging arts, awakening, and accessibility isn’t for the faint of heart. But we won’t stop because we’re fueled by…


The performing arts is no one’s backup plan. We are walking, talking, improvising, contorting, truth-dropping proof. Loud but listening; invigorated but introspective. This is what it looks like to be artists and to support artists. This is what it looks like to strive for…


We can’t imagine doing this half-heartedly. We can’t imagine kicking back and letting status quo fly. And we never will. Because we…


about our beautiful, flawed world. About the restorative power of expression. About diversity, inclusion, and justice.

At FringeArts, your seat will always have a view, and your view will always have a seat…

Land Acknowledgement

With gratitude and respect, we recognize and acknowledge the land on which the Philadelphia Fringe Festival takes place is part of Lënapehòkink (pronunciation: Lun-nah-pay-ho-king), or “the land of the Lenape”. The Lenape or Lenni-Lenape, are the ancestral stewards of Philadelphia and the surrounding region. 

Aramingo, Cohocksink, Kingsessing, Manayunk, Moyamesing, Passyunk, Pennypeck, Shackamaxon, Tacony, Weccacoe, Wingohocking, Wissinoming, Wissahickon—these and other Lenape place-names mark the map of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Fringe Festival.

FringeArts understands this acknowledgement is only a step in a greater journey towards honoring the history, presence, and future of the Lenape, and other indigenous people in our country and around the world. Far too often, accurate and comprehensive histories of indigenous people have been systematically forgotten and erased from our nation’s history.

Acknowledging this history, our privilege to be on this land, and the Lenape tribe’s continued presence, is consistent with the values of FringeArts—the presenter of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. FringeArts is committed to presenting a festival that is diverse and inclusive for all.

With this acknowledgement, we hope to inspire the artists and audiences who participate in our city-wide celebration to discuss these histories, engage in land stewardship, and participate in broader community actions to honor indigenous people and their contributions to our community.


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