Alabama Story by Kenneth Jones – A New Jersey and Regional Premiere
South Camden Theatre Company
Categories: Theater
Dates: September 15, 2023 - October 1, 2023
Run Time: 120 mins
Venue: The Waterfront South Theatre

Produce your show in the 2025 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Registration is OPEN!
Categories: Theater
Dates: September 15, 2023 - October 1, 2023
Run Time: 120 mins
Venue: The Waterfront South Theatre
This production is a must-see for everyone!
As the Civil Rights movement is brewing, a controversial children’s book about a black rabbit marrying a white rabbit stirs the passions of a segregationist State Senator and a no-nonsense State Librarian in 1959 Montgomery, Alabama. Meanwhile, the story of two childhood friends — an African-American man and a woman of white privilege, reunited in adulthood — provides a private counterpoint to the public events swirling in the state capital. Political foes, star-crossed lovers, and one feisty children’s author inhabit the same page in a Deep South of the imagination that brims with humor, heartbreak, and hope. Inspired by true events.
“Alabama Story is exuberant, hilarious, and timely. A children’s picture book is at the heart of Kenneth Jones’ crowd-pleasing and imaginatively theatrical comedy-drama inspired by the real-life conflict between an enlightened librarian and a bigoted politician. At a time when intolerance is on the upswing and empathy is under siege, Alabama Story is just the play we need. Jones brings an exuberant wit to this potentially preachy material.”
— St. Louis Post DispatchAbout the play…
“A disarmingly engaging drama.” “Thoughtfully written.” “Nuanced.” “Well-layered.” “A modest little gem of a production.”
— Atlanta Journal Constitution
“An Alabama Story that has national relevance. The 2015 play feels timely, resonating with this era’s racial tensions, the ‘she persisted’ meme, and continuing controversy over the Old South’s legacy. The topicality of Alabama Story infuses a theatrical moment that feels spontaneous yet intriguingly layered.”
— The Washington Post
As Camden’s first professional theater we enhance the community by creating quality artistic productions while anchoring The Waterfront South Arts District. We strive to promote South Camden’s rebirth as a destination by providing a positive experience for its residents and those from the surrounding region. Our goal is to entertain, engage, and educate.