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Categories: Theater

Dates: September 6, 2021 - October 2, 2021

Run Time: 30 mins

Venue: THE INTERNET (Digital Shows)


We follow the journey of Friend, a lost being who cannot understand their emotions, which has to their confusion caused their body to fragment. They need help in finding their way back to themselves. In order to learn the ways in which “we” feel, they will go on a sensorial exploration via the interaction of some new folks they meet along the way, in order to explore how our minds, create neurological connections through experience and memory.

Madison Weinhoffer

Madison Weinhoffer is a Houston born interdisciplinary artist, and arts educator currently living and working in Chicago, IL and post-graduation will be working in Providence, Rhode Island with plans of moving to Berlin, Germany when the world is in a better space. She graduated with a B.F.A in acting and a B.A. in anthropology from Texas Tech University, her MFA in European Devised Performance Practice at Columbia College Chicago. She enjoys puppetry, making music, intermodal arts exploration, research on bridging the gap between neuroscience and art, and hanging out with her cat Stella.

You can find her currently engaged with Spectrum Theatre Ensemble ( in Providence, Rhode Island, advocating for better neuro-diversity and accessibility in the arts. As well as post grad work on an in progress devising company Casual Collision, an artists collective of creators.


Conceived by Madison Weinhoffer, and created in collaboration with Sarah Kinn

Sadness/Fear/Anger: Madison Weinhoffer
Friend: Sarah Kinn
Happiness: Clover

Puppet Design and Construction: Madison Weinhoffer
Lighting Design: Connor Sale
Lighting Op/performance: Quinn Chisenhall
Original Composition: Santiago Amezquita
Additional Sound Design: Madison Weinhoffer
Set Design: Jaqueline Penrod
Set Assistance: Richie Schiraldi
PA: Kimmy Higginbotham
Poster Design: Paul Simon

Videography/Editing: Lexi Kuhlman and Elliott Wesa

Special thank you to everyone that contributed to my research survey and data collection 

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