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Imagination Playground


Categories: Dance, Interdisciplinary, Visual Art

Dates: September 11, 2022

Run Time: 150 mins

Venue: Hatfield


The “Imagination Playground” at Hatfield House created by Philadelphia-based choreographer Christina Castro-Tauser and visual artists Roger Wing, Bariq Cobbs, and Santi Castro, with performances by Expansions Contemporary Dance Ensemble,  will combine sculpture and dance to inspire creativity, exploration, reflection, and community engagement.

Imagination Playground” at Hatfield House will combine site-specific art and dance made with professional dancers and community members; and co-created dance, music, and art. Plus short works by Expansions Chreolab Choreographers.

Six large sculptures exploring the theme of imagination are placed on the grounds and porch of Hatfield House. Within, between, and around these pieces, smaller works by the artists and community members, led by the artists, will form a maze-like space to Dance around and Explore.




Expansions Contempoary Dance Ensemble

Expansions Contemporary Dance Ensemble LLC, founded by Artistic Director Christina Castro-Tauser, is dedicated to strengthening and connecting communities through dance. Expansions' community projects, educational workshops, and performances aim to reach people of multiple ages, backgrounds, races, and experiences across the country. We present repertory and workshops in Contemporary, Latin Jazz, and a variety of styles for nontraditional performing settings, film, and the stage.


Choreographer Christina Castro-Tauser and visual artists Roger Wing, Bariq Cobbs, and Santi Castro, with performances by Expansions Contemporary Dance Ensemble and Choreolab Choreographers.


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