It’s Time We Pay Them A Visit
Anissa Weinraub + Practice Space
Categories: Theater, Immersive/Interactive Experience
Dates: September 7, 2023 - September 26, 2023
Run Time: 40 mins
Venue: MAAS Building Studio
It’s Philly Fringe season! Explore upcoming events and Digital Fringe listings.
Categories: Theater, Immersive/Interactive Experience
Dates: September 7, 2023 - September 26, 2023
Run Time: 40 mins
Venue: MAAS Building Studio
The earth isn’t dying. People are killing the earth. And those people have names and addresses. It’s time we pay them a visit.
Join a group of adventurers in this allegory for getting unstuck and taking action to stop the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. The show sits atop our dying world, and explores what it will take for us to hear our instincts and follow our impulses to take a collective next step to confront and dismantle the systems that are destroying us. It lands somewhere between performance and practice space for envisioning economic and social transformation. Also, it’s a comedy.
(Always cite your sources: We pull from lineages of Black feminisms, abolition and communism, like bell hooks, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Paulo Friere, Utah Phillips, Mariame Kaba, and others.)
Cannonball, produced by Almanac Dance Circus Theatre, is the first and largest independent festival hub of the Philadelphia Fringe that presents risk-taking independent artists in back-to-back performances next to delicious lounge spaces, fostering creative collisions and community conversation.
Learn MorePractice Space is a crew of devisers and cultural workers living in Lenapehoking/Philadelphia. We seek to embody our curiosities and hypotheses about social, economic and political transformation, hoping to make a road map we might take into the future. And you’re invited.