New World Rising!
Categories: Theater, Immersive
Dates: September 11, 2021 - October 2, 2021
Run Time: 60 mins
Venue: Kahn Park

Produce your show in the 2025 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Registration is OPEN!
Categories: Theater, Immersive
Dates: September 11, 2021 - October 2, 2021
Run Time: 60 mins
Venue: Kahn Park
The year is 2022, and as you know, it is the final decade for humans to redress our impact on the planet. Since you attended an eye-opening environmental lecture several years ago, you have joined the fight against the many-headed hydra of climate change with increasing fervor. But no matter how many marches, letters to politicians, protests, donations, and local and global campaigns you organize, it seems the forces against you only grow stronger: corporations with their bottomless greed; politicians with half-hearted and weak solutions; and all around you, it seems most people would let the earth burn. You’re tired and frustrated, and the world is on the brink. You decide the time for nonviolence is over. New World Rising! made headlines in late 2021 when a spate of explosions targeting heavy-polluting corporations and corrupt politicians ripped across the country. Inspired by aggressive forebearers Earth First! and Earth Liberation Front, NWR used anonymous publications, coded briefings, and pirate radio to activate self-organizing collectives willing to “inflict economic damage on those profiteering from destruction of the Earth.” Between October 2021 and the summer of 2022, a staggering 117 bombings, break-ins and other various forms of eco-sabotage rendered a national bill of $73 million. You have tracked down passionate members of the growing but secretive Philadelphia cell, and you are joining them to take down a local target. But however strong your ideals, the risks are great, and your own future hangs in the balance. Part immersive performance, part audio play, part walking tour, this roughly 60 minute ambulatory adventure will use audio and written instructions to help you navigate your way through downtown Philadelphia. A smartphone is required to access content.