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Categories: Comedy & Improv, Film, Interdisciplinary

Dates: September 14, 2022 - September 20, 2022

Run Time: 50 mins

Venue: MAAS Building Studio


Pedestrian Circus is a one-human show spanning many discovery zones. Characters and self-perception are shaken and stirred. A fantastic voyage where we feast on a hot wet fantasy of persona pizza, insecurity extra cheese toppings, pepperoni ego death. Hey y’all, the body is a stretched canvas just waiting for the scrumptious tidbits of humanity to get messy. Watch ya girl Rose Luardo and her radical performative costume changes as she flits from human skin to human skin. The show is a multi-character blitzkrieg bop with a business suit, bucket hat, face gems, and prosthetic pee-pees! What is she like? There will be video. There will be dance. There will be blood.

Rose Luardo

Rose Luardo is a peri-menopausal artist, shapeshifter, a creature of the world, dancer, warlock, and agent of joy. She is bouncy. She loves magic shows. One scoop wholesomeness, one scoop terror, Rose’s flavor is fizz. Her work is a soup of video art and live performance pieces. Characters and transformation are at the center of dramatic action while Rose jumps from human skin to human skin before your very eyes. She is into finding the edge where self-perception and personality break way into risk-taking and truth-seeking. This bitch's work carves out a space to undo the harms of normative expectation and to provide a glimpse at something she calls "radical character freedom". This is the beautiful grit of human impulse and exuberance motivated by mayhem. All of this is done with humor and joy, which is, essential to Rose and her work. Wild cackling laughter is what much be conjured when freedom sniffing. Let her delight you with the scent of your own enema bag.


Made with: Rebekah Rickards, Ashley Berkman, Kim Barbetta, Lena Parcell, Nicole Siering


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