Survival In Ruins (work-in-progress showing)
Categories: Dance
Dates: September 12, 2022
Run Time: 40 mins
Venue: MAAS Building Studio

Produce your show in the 2025 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Registration is OPEN!
Categories: Dance
Dates: September 12, 2022
Run Time: 40 mins
Venue: MAAS Building Studio
Survival In Ruins is a memoir that contemplates grief, motherhood, and slowness. Inspired by the recent birth of her second son, a father with Alzheimer’s, and mycelium networks – a body moves forcefuly slow confronting the reality of the making and unmaking of a life. Lost, forgetful, in need, revealing its triumphs and tribulations.
How does one submit to falling forever?
Survival In Ruins asks us to sit inside growth and loss, stillness and silence, and what it means to be called into extreme presence.
A falling that moves us to pieces.
* This is a work in progress showing. Around 30 minutes of material will be shared with a 10 minute aftertalk.
* 10% of the artist’s proceeds will be donated to Abortion Liberation Fund of PA.
Katie Vickers is an American artist, a graduate of P.A.R.T.S (2014) and of The Ohio State University (2010). She has danced for Daniel Linehan (USA), Albert Quesada (SP), Martin Nachbar (GE), Benjamin Vandewalle (BE), Vera Tussing (GE), Rósa Omarsdóttir (IS), Kendell Geers (ZA), David Gordon (US), and Thierry de May (BE), and has been a guest artist for the Cullberg Ballet’s Figure a Sea, choreographed by Deborah Hay. She has conducted workshops internationally and spearheaded the Mercersburg Academy Summer Program for Dance and Theatre in the USA as well as Practicing Performance. Katie steers towards environments and various collaborations with people that challenge her development of methods to take existing knowledge in new directions. Her own work and research spans through a variety yet their common ground is to question the use of the body to find the unfamiliar in the familiar. In 2014, Katie created Slogan for Modern Times with Inga Huld Hakonardottir, a duet interested in the temporality of the sublime and monstrosity. After the PARTS graduation tour, it became an evening-length production premiering in Monty in 2015. Following that, she created 5 Seasons (2016) with Benjamin Pohlig, a duet made on their long collaborations together based on pop music and identity. Both pieces performed and premiered in the festival Bouge B in deSingel. These projects have been supported by institutions such as Dommelhof TAKT, Vooruit, School Van Gaasbeek, STUK, wpZimmer, Uferstudios and Schloss Bröllin. She premiered We Will Have Had Darker Futures (2017) in deSingel with Inga Huld Hakondottir and Rebecka Stillman, based on the temporality of fear and hope. In Spring 2018, she choreographed Tribute for the amateur group Degenoten in Belgium. She recently finished The home of Dance, a research project on alternative spaces for performances, rethinking the theatre home. Katie received her MFA from Univ
Choreographer & Performer: Katie Vickers, Scenography: Margot Becker, Outside Eye: Jesse Zaritt, Lighting Designer: Albert Quesada