Produce your show in the 2025 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Registration is OPEN!
A poet and educator/youth worker with 15 years of experience (Elisabeth Layne) partners up with a writer-director-performer and youth worker (Gum Preston) to make an original work of conceptual performance art for/with children. Together, we are AGENCY Agency, and we believe that transgressive performance art is already central to how children play together. We want to celebrate that creativity and see if we can learn from it. The Slimy Fractal Conspiracy is a story we will tell with our young audience members, and it will meaningfully change based on their participation. But we'll definitely get distracted many times along the way. There will be spectacle! Rules will be broken! We aim to surprise, confuse at times, and always delight! We will ask questions about what art is, and can be! And by the end, all participants will be members of our conspiracy.
This performance will include a variety of invitations to participate, as well as a variety of ways for audience members to decline participation. As educators, our priority is that everyone feels safe, supported, and engaged at all times (using lenses of developmentally-appropriate content, ability, access & inclusion, physical and emotional safety, and communication around boundaries that uses familiar language).
Big picture: we are devising this show as a container for kids to engage with themselves and their world through conceptual art forms that prioritize expression through transgression. By offering youth the experience of breaking rules in a container that feels safe and prepared to hear, hold and respond to their feelings, they will be more prepared to navigate the unjust and arbitrary rules that they encounter as they move through the world.
We are hoping to offer special performance dates that cater to different age groups (ex: 2-7, 8-12), so double-check @weareagencyagency on instagram or email us at for more info.
With over 100 offerings – from rebellious circus, delicious dance, fearless theatre and activist art to workshops, parties, and more – Cannonball pushes the boundaries of live performance at four different venues this Fringe. Come as you are and stay past bedtime. Blaze your own trail at
1417 N 2nd St
General Admission: FREE
Elis is a kid-co-conspirator masking as an educator of 15 years. She is a poet focused on auto-ethnographic explorations of black fugitivity and abundance, who has recently been exploring a practice of applying text to ceramics. In all her work Elis is concerned with liberation, silence, and intersections. She's been creating containers for the young people in her care and in her classrooms to give voice to their feelings for as long as she can remember. She really wants to hear what it sounds like when a kid is making art in the sense that they are speaking not knowing if they will be understood but knowing that they will be listened to....."I don't know what to call that form. Sometimes an audience is affirming or makes that possible. Sometimes it disturbs. I don't know what that sounds like. I feel even more curious what kind of space that makes in their brain. How that connects to their sense of the self in communication with other people. I wonder if it helps build a muscle for compassionate communication across without understanding of. I want to know what it does developmentally even more than creatively. Playfulness is the heart of love."
Gum is a writer, director, performer and storyteller in the tradition of the many women in my family who worked and lived as teachers. That tradition is this: tell the whole truth as efficiently as possible, offered up in a package that students can carry away usably, with as much spectacle as you can manage because that's how people remember what's important, and make sure there's something in it that you can live off of too...because you'll need it to repeat it all tomorrow. I've been learning directing and writing from mentors in my community for 5 years, as well as developing my skills through stipend-supported residencies (such as The Fresh Ground Pepper Playgroup, Sharon Hayes & Brooke O'Harra's Performance Intensive). I recently began producing my own work as an early-career artist, including writing an
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