Produce your show in the 2025 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Registration is OPEN!

Chicago The City That Wakes


The Highland Lakes Players

Theater, Comedy & Improv, Storytelling

Digital Fringe

Chicago The City That Wakes features one talented trio from Austin, Texas known as The Highland Lakes Players – Sebastian Garcia, Samantha Levine, Raymond V. Whelan. Their three-act, 30-minute play transports viewers to Chicago several years ago, when Jane Byrne was mayor of the city, getting pushed into a brave new world, where it will have to cope with electronic media and social distancing, where the strong may not survive, let alone the weak. Yet, there is still hope.


The Highland Lakes Players are Sebastian Garcia, Samantha Levine, Raymond V. Whelan, three talented performers based in Austin, Texas. They present “Chicago The City That Wakes” to depict characters searching for life, liberty and happiness in the city long before the advent of social media.

September 7-24, 30 min. duration, PWYC


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