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Behind Every Great Mariska Hargitay Is a Great Kurt Fitzpatrick

Kurt Fitzpatrick


Categories: Comedy & Improv, Storytelling

Dates: September 23, 2023 - September 30, 2023

Run Time: 50 mins

Venue: Fidget Space


A quirky comedic storytelling show about Kurt’s adventures of working as a background actor in New York on and off for ten years. He’s been on Law & Order SVU, Boardwalk Empire, The Good Wife, and others, but never said a damn word in any of them. Now he finally speaks and he has a lot to say!

Cannonball, produced by Almanac Dance Circus Theatre, is the first and largest independent festival hub of the Philadelphia Fringe that presents risk-taking independent artists in back-to-back performances next to delicious lounge spaces, fostering creative collisions and community conversation.

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About the Artist

Kurt Fitzpatrick has written, produced, and toured six solo shows in over seventy fringe festivals, as well as "Best Picture," which was awarded Best of Fest in Winnipeg, Orlando, and Ottawa, and was named Producer's Pick in London. Kurt also produced and performed in "Bromance," a two-hander that toured the fringe circuit and was later adapted as an indie TV pilot titled “Campus Martius.” He co-hosts the long running podcast “A Lifetime of Hallmark.” Kurt is a Temple grad. 


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